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Troubleshooting on joining DCE 4.0

This page lists some common issues encountered when joining DCE 4.0 with service mesh.

LimitRange Issue


  1. When joining DCE 4.0, an error occurs:

    message: 'unable to retrieve Pods: Unauthorized'
  2. Control plane cluster:

    The following error is displayed:

    mspider-mcpc-mcpc-controller-5bd6d54c4-df6kg  CrashLoopBackOff

    Checking the logs of the control plane:

    kubectl logs -n istio-system mspider-mcpc-mcpc-controller-5bd6d54c4-df6kg
    time="2022-10-19T06:35:49Z" level=error msg="Unable to get kube configs of multi clusters: Get \"http://mspider-mcpc-ckube-remote/api/v1/namespaces/istio-system/configmaps/mspider-mcpc-remote-kube-api-server?resourceVersion=dsm-cluster-dce4-mspider\": dial tcp: lookup mspider-mcpc-ckube-remote: i/o timeout" func="cmholder.NewConfigHolder()" file="holder.go:52"
    panic: unable to get kube configs of multi clusters: Get "http://mspider-mcpc-ckube-remote/api/v1/namespaces/istio-system/configmaps/mspider-mcpc-remote-kube-api-server?resourceVersion=dsm-cluster-dce4-mspider": dial tcp: lookup mspider-mcpc-ckube-remote: i/o timeout
    goroutine 1 [running]:
        /app/cmd/control-plane/mcpc/main.go:62 +0x694
  3. rs: istio-operator-*** error:

    message: 'pods "istio-operator-5fbbf5bbd-hf2q2" is forbidden: memory max limit
        to request ratio per Container is 1, but provided ratio is 2.000000'


Manually set the limit range in the istio-operator and istio-system namespaces to set the overallocation ratio to 0.

Run the following command to view the limit range in the istio-operator namespace:

kubectl describe limits -n istio-operator dce-default-limit-range

Run the following command to view the limit range in the istio-system namespace:

kubectl describe limits -n istio-system dce-default-limit-range

istiod and ingressgateway are always in ContainerRunning state

Root cause analysis: DCE 4.0 uses Kubernetes version 1.18, which is relatively outdated for the new version of the service mesh.

Symptom 01: 'istio-managed-istio-hosted' fails to start, indicating that the Configmap of 'istio-token' does not exist.

To resolve this issue, manually for mesh instance of CR __ GlobalMesh __ add corresponding parameters: .



  1. Before integrating with the new version of the service mesh, deploy coreDNS in advance for DCE 4.0.
  2. The Global Mesh configuration is in Global Cluster, not in the access cluster.
