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Large-Scale Cluster Parameter Description

For large-scale deployments, refer to the following parameter configuration.

Kubean Cluster Parameters

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster1-demo-vars-conf
  namespace: kubean-system
  group_vars.yml: |
    gcr_image_repo: ""
    kube_image_repo: ""
    docker_image_repo: ""
    quay_image_repo: ""
    github_image_repo: ""

    files_repo: ""
    kubeadm_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ kubeadm_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubeadm"
    kubectl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ kube_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubectl"
    kubelet_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ kube_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubelet"
    cni_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ cni_version }}/cni-plugins-linux-{{ image_arch }}-{{ cni_version }}.tgz"
    crictl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ crictl_version }}/crictl-{{ crictl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
    etcd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ etcd_version }}/etcd-{{ etcd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
    calicoctl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ calico_ctl_version }}/calicoctl-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
    calicoctl_alternate_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ calico_ctl_version }}/calicoctl-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
    calico_crds_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ calico_version }}.tar.gz"
    helm_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ helm_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
    crun_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ crun_version }}/crun-{{ crun_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
    kata_containers_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ kata_containers_version }}/kata-static-{{ kata_containers_version }}-{{ ansible_architecture }}.tar.xz"
    runc_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ runc_version }}/runc.{{ image_arch }}"
    containerd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ containerd_version }}/containerd-{{ containerd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
    nerdctl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ nerdctl_version }}/nerdctl-{{ nerdctl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
    cri_dockerd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ cri_dockerd_version }}/cri-dockerd-{{ cri_dockerd_version }}.{{ image_arch }}.tgz"
    yq_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/{{ yq_version }}/yq_linux_{{ image_arch }}"

    download_run_once: true
    download_localhost: true
    download_container: false

    ## etcd parameters

    etcd_deployment_type: kubeadm
    etcd_events_cluster_setup: true
    etcd_heartbeat_interval: 250
    etcd_election_timeout: 5000

    ## kube-controller-manager parameters

    kube_controller_node_monitor_grace_period: 20s
    kube_controller_node_monitor_period: 2s
      kube-api-qps: 20
      kube-api-burst: 30
      concurrent-deployment-syncs: 5
      pvclaimbinder-sync-period: 15s

    ## kube-scheduler parameters

      percentageOfNodesToScore: 0 

    ## kube-apiserver parameters

    kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_not_ready_timeout_seconds: 30
    kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_unreachable_timeout_seconds: 30
    kube_apiserver_request_timeout: 1m0s
      max-requests-inflight: 400

    ## kubelet parameters

    kubelet_status_update_frequency: 4s
    kubelet_max_pods: 110
    kubelet_pod_pids_limit: -1
    kubelet_cpu_manager_policy: static
      full-pcpus-only: "true"
    kubelet_topology_manager_policy: single-numa-node
    kubelet_topology_manager_scope: container
      kubeAPIQPS: 50
      kubeAPIBurst: 100
      serializeImagePulls: false
      maxParallelImagePulls: 5
      volumeStatsAggPeriod: 1m
    kube_reserved: true
    kube_master_cpu_reserved: 1
    kube_master_memory_reserved: 2G
    system_reserved: true
    system_master_cpu_reserved: 1
    system_master_memory_reserved: 2G

    ## kubeproxy

    kube_proxy_mode: ipvs

    ## Cluster network

    kube_network_plugin: calico
    calico_cni_name: calico
    kube_network_node_prefix: 24
    kube_network_node_prefix_ipv6: 120

    ## App network

    dns_replicas: 3
    dns_cpu_limit: 300m
    dns_cpu_requests: 100m
    dns_memory_limit: 300Mi
    dns_memory_requests: 70Mi
    enable_nodelocaldns: true

    kube_vip_enabled: true
    kube_vip_controlplane_enabled: true
    kube_vip_arp_enabled: true
    kube_proxy_strict_arp: true

    metrics_server_enabled: true
    retry_stagger: 60

Large-Scale Deployment Parameters

Category Parameter Value Description
Resource Distribution foo_image_repo url Set to point to an intranet address or mirror site
foo_download_url url Set to point to an intranet address or mirror site
download_run_once true/false Set to download_localhost: true to download only once, then distribute from the Ansible control node to each target node
download_localhost true/false Set to download_localhost: true to download only once, then distribute from the Ansible control node to each target node
download_container true/false Set to download_container: false to avoid synchronizing large-scale images on different nodes
Core Cluster Components - etcd etcd_events_cluster_setup true/false Set to true to store events in a separate dedicated etcd instance
etcd_heartbeat_interval Default 250, in milliseconds Frequency at which the leader notifies the followers
etcd_election_timeout Default 5000, in milliseconds Time a follower node waits before attempting to become the leader if it hasn't heard a heartbeat
Core Cluster Components - kube-controller-manager kube_controller_node_monitor_grace_period Default 40s Time allowed for a node to be unresponsive before being marked as unhealthy; must be a multiple of kubelet_status_update_frequency
kube_controller_node_monitor_period Default 5s Interval for synchronizing NodeStatus
kube_kubeadm_controller_extra_args Sub-elements kube-api-qps: Default 20, QPS used for communication with kube-apiserver
kube-api-burst: Default 30, burst allowed when communicating with kube-apiserver
concurrent-deployment-syncs: Default 5, number of deployment objects allowed to sync concurrently. Other basic resources have similar parameters
pvclaimbinder-sync-period: Default 15s, interval for synchronizing PV and PVC
Core Cluster Components - kube-scheduler kube_scheduler_config_extra_opts Sub-elements percentageOfNodesToScore: If the cluster size is 500 nodes and this value is 30, the scheduler stops looking for more feasible nodes after finding 150. When set to 0, a default percentage (5%-50% based on cluster size) of nodes will be scored. Use a low setting only if you prefer to select any schedulable node to run the Pod.
Core Cluster Components - kube-apiserver kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_not_ready_timeout_seconds Default 300 Toleration seconds for notReady:NoExecute; by default, this time is added to each pod without this toleration
kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_unreachable_timeout_seconds Default 300 Toleration seconds for unreachable:NoExecute; by default, this time is added to each pod without this toleration
kube_apiserver_request_timeout Default 1m0s Can limit some large requests, such as certain resources in all namespaces
kube_kubeadm_apiserver_extra_args Sub-elements max-requests-inflight: Default 400, limits the maximum number of ongoing non-mutating requests
Core Cluster Components - kubelet kubelet_status_update_frequency Default 10s Frequency of reporting pod status to the apiserver; it is recommended to increase this value in large clusters
kubelet_max_pods Default 110 Increases the maximum number of pods that can be created on each node
kubelet_pod_pids_limit - Prevents or allows pods to use a large number of PIDs, range: [-1, 2^63-1]
kubelet_cpu_manager_policy - Sets the CPU manager policy
kubelet_cpu_manager_policy_options - Sets options for the CPU manager policy
kubelet_topology_manager_policy - Sets the topology manager policy
kubelet_topology_manager_scope - Sets the scope of the topology manager policy
kube_reserved true/false Setting kube_reserved: true means allocating resources for non-Kubernetes components
kube_master_cpu_reserved -
kube_master_memory_reserved -
system_reserved true/false Setting system_reserved: true means allocating resources for Kubernetes components
system_master_cpu_reserved -
system_master_memory_reserved -
kubelet_config_extra_args Sub-elements kubeAPIQPS: Default 50, QPS used for communication with kube-apiserver
kubeAPIBurst: Default 100, burst allowed when communicating with kube-apiserver
serializeImagePulls: Default true, pulls only one image at a time
maxParallelImagePulls: Default nil, maximum number of parallel pulls; effective only when serializeImagePulls is false
volumeStatsAggPeriod: Default 1m, recommended to increase in cases of many volumes and high disk pressure
Kubeproxy kube_proxy_mode - In scenarios with frequent service changes, ipvs performs better than iptables. Setting kube proxy mode to ipvs requires a Linux kernel version of 5.9 or higher. Note that Kube-Proxy IPVS also has some issues
Cluster Network Parameters kube_pods_subnet Increases the network allocation for pods
kube_network_node_prefix 24 Increases the subnet range that each node can allocate to pods
kube_network_node_prefix_ipv6 120 Increases the subnet range that each node can allocate to pods
kube_service_addresses Increases the network allocation for K8s service ClusterIP
Application Stability dns_replicas - Specifies the number of DNS service replicas
dns_cpu_limit - Maximum CPU resources that each DNS service pod can use
dns_cpu_requests - Minimum CPU resources that each DNS service pod can use
dns_memory_limit - Maximum memory resources that each DNS service pod can use
dns_memory_requests - Minimum memory resources that each DNS service pod can use
enable_nodelocaldns - Setting enable_nodelocaldns: true allows pods to connect to a DNS (core-dns) cache agent running on the same node, avoiding the use of iptables DNAT rules and connection tracking
kube_vip_enabled - Setting kube_vip_enabled: true provides a virtual IP and load balancer for the cluster, used for the control plane (to build a highly available cluster) and Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer
metrics_server_enabled - Setting metrics_server_enabled: true is a prerequisite for starting HPA
Others retry_stagger - Increases the number of retry attempts for failed tasks

Recommendations for Different Scenarios

Fast Update and Fast Reaction

Parameter Settings:

  • kubelet_status_update_frequency set to 4s
  • kube_controller_node_monitor_period set to 2s (default 5s)
  • kube_controller_node_monitor_grace_period set to 20s (default 40s)
  • kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_unreachable_timeout_seconds set to 30 (default 300s)

In this scenario, Pods will be evicted within 50 seconds because the node will be considered down after 20 seconds, and kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_not_ready_timeout_seconds or kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_unreachable_timeout_seconds will occur after 30 seconds. However, this setup will impose a load on etcd, as each node will attempt to update its status every 2 seconds.

If the environment has 1000 nodes, there will be 15000 node updates per minute, potentially requiring large etcd containers or even dedicated etcd nodes.

Medium Update and Average Reaction

Parameter Settings:

  • kubelet_status_update_frequency set to 20s
  • kube_controller_node_monitor_grace_period set to 2m
  • kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_not_ready_timeout_seconds and kube_apiserver_pod_eviction_unreachable_timeout_seconds set to 60.

In this scenario, Kubelet will attempt every 20 seconds. Therefore, the Kubernetes controller manager will take 6 * 5 = 30 attempts to consider the node unhealthy. After 1 minute, it will evict all Pods. The total time before eviction is 3 minutes.

This scenario is suitable for medium environments since 1000 nodes require 3000 etcd updates per minute.

Other Considerations

When deploying Calico or Canal, you can add calico_rr nodes in the Kubean host manifest, which allows for quick recovery from host/network interruptions. You need to configure the cluster_id (formatted as an IPv4 address).

Host Manifest Example:

kind: Cluster
  name: cluster1-demo
    namespace: kubean-system
    name: cluster1-demo-hosts-conf
    namespace: kubean-system
    name: cluster1-demo-vars-conf
apiVersion: v1
ind: ConfigMap
 name: cluster1-demo-hosts-conf
 namespace: kubean-system
 hosts.yml: |
         ansible_connection: ssh
         ansible_user: root
         ansible_ssh_pass: dangerous
         ansible_connection: ssh
         ansible_user: root
         ansible_ssh_pass: dangerous
         ansible_connection: ssh
         ansible_user: root
         ansible_ssh_pass: dangerous
  • The attributes of the Ansible configuration file can be set in the ClusterOperation file of Kubean to configure concurrency and connection timeout.
    • Concurrency: forks: 50
    • Connection Timeout: timeout: 600
